:: About conference

'Scientomining is an emerging interdisciplinary field and a new approach that focuses on the retrieval, extraction, pre-processing, processing, and analysis of organizational, industrial, and scientific datasets, as well as knowledge repositories. Its goal is to discover hidden patterns and new knowledge from knowledge repositories, datasets, and databases, as well as to assist in advancing the goals, policies, and programs of various organizations and industries. The approach to data mining utilizes the principles, foundations, methods, and techniques from the following fields: 1. Measurement of Information Science (Informetrics, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Webometrics, and Technology Assessment), 2. Data Mining, 3. Text Mining, 4. Knowledge Mining, 5. Web Mining, 6. Technology Mining, 7. Media Mining, 8. Statistics, 9. Databases, 10. Information Visualization, 11. Big Data, 12. Artificial Intelligence, 13. Machine Learning, and 14. Information Systems.'

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